Friday, December 1

guilty pleasure #1

I'm writing this post with the television on. There are a few guilty pleasures we all have, and one of mine is Bring it On!. I just came across it while channel surfing and like a deer in headlights, I can't look away. For those not familiar with it's greatness, Bring it On! is a movie about cheerleaders. I'm serious. The movie is fun, and the dialogue, well it can be summed up in these fine examples from the movie:

"Can we just beat these Buffys down so I can go home? I'm on curfew girl."


Whitney: She puts the "itch" in "bitch".
Courtney: She puts the "whore" in "horrify".

To enjoy some of this campy guilty goodness, here's the opening scene from the movie:

I'm compelely not the target audience for this movie, but each time it's on I can't help it, I'm glued to the tube.

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