Sunday, January 3

i tweet therefore i am

So pre-flight the other day, I couldn't sleep and was bouncing around on the interweb, bored and looking for something to do. I ended up finally looking at twitter. Until then I had successfully avoided all things twitter. In a moment that I may end up describing as either genius or weakness, I joined.

So yes, you can now follow me on twitter. I don't think I'll be one of those people who tweets each time I twitch, but you never know. I imagine I'll just tweet short thoughts, links to random things and have the odd twitter conversation (does anyone know what that's called?). Also, I'll probably tweet new blog posts as well.

I'm not following many people so far, and don't have many followers. I think if I keep using it I'll follow a few more people. Maybe some of the people I have praised and punished on this blog should be followed.

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