Tuesday, October 23

money can buy you love

Long-time readers of the blog may remember my dalliance into the world of international finance through Kiva. My first project was to support a young, single cattle breeder in Azerbaijan named Natik.

It's been a while since I wrote about Natik but I got an update today and things are progressing well. The loan was for $800 and Natik has repaid 75% of the loan and appears to be ahead of schedule on his loan repayment. However things are looking up for Natik generally.

I recieved the following journal update by email today:
This young man before was single. He is very thankful to Kiva for the loan. He improved his business. Before he raised the calves but now he raises the sheep. Now he has a lot of sheep. Having improved his business he married. He is very happy and is very thankful for all his success to Kiva.

Yes Natik has gotten married now that his business has improved - it appears money can buy you love, in Azerbaijan at least. I'm sure this is just the result of translation or poor English, but all kidding aside, I'm quite proud of Natik. I'm not sure what happened to the cows, but he now has a thriving sheep business and the start of a family. It all started with a group of people donating $25 online, it's pretty amazing.

Here's the most recent photo from his operation:

1 comment:

Megan said...

Typical money-grubbing, gold-digging woman! He raises sheep, so he's finally marrying material?