Thursday, December 13

you're always on my mind

The thing that I hate most about exam time here at the little law school on the prairie is the fact that you can never get away from exams. They are always on your mind.

Monday's exam went well, but Tuesday's was a disaster. I decided to take the rest of Tuesday off, and start fresh on Wednesday. My next exam is not until Monday and I decided I would just work everyday between now and then to get ready for it. My next exam is international law.

After two days of solid work, I thought a reward was in order, and nothing says reward like Matt Damon. I sat down with the Saskatoon Uncles to watch the Bourne Ultimatum. Instead of a nice relaxing evening, the following was constantly running through my head, and occasionally out of my mouth:

"Hey, that was a violation of international law!"

"Rendition is illegal, that's a violation of Morracco's sovereingty!"

"The UK can file a claim over the killing of it's citizen, they have enforcement juridiction because the objective element of the offence occurred on their territory!"

"The US could be held responsible for that internationally wrongful act!"

So what does this show us, well two things. One, I may actually have learned something in international law. Second, you can never get a relaxing break away from exams, movies are ruined for me forever, or at least until Tuesday.

Here's hoping Question 3 on Monday's exam will be:

"Identify the various violations of international law that occurred in the Bourne Ultimatum, the state responsible, which states would be able to invoke state responsibility and whether there were any circumstances which would preclude the wrongfulness of any of these acts."

If not, maybe it will make a good minor paper topic next year.

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