Wednesday, March 26

oh harry, you let me down

No, this is not a blog entry about Prince Harry and all his roguish antics that appear to be coming to an end now that he has served in Afghanistan. It is about Harry Rosen. And it is more than just the brand Harry Rosen, it is how that brand relates to Mr. Rosen himself.

In the latest round of procrastination efforts, I was looking through the society photos on the Globe and Mail. Yes, I know. I don't need a lecture. Anyways, I saw the following picture of Mr. Harry Rosen himself, taken at a swanky society event.

Note: this photo belongs to the Globe and Mail.

Now, I know I am going to be accused of being harsh, but Mr. Rosen, what's with your tie. It's tied nicely, and certainly appears to be long enough. Why on earth is the short narrow end not tucked into the handy that piece of fabric that keeps it behind the other part of the tie.

If your name is synonymous with men's fashion in this country, is it too much to ask for you to make sure you set a standard. It's one thing around the house, but at a society event where you are going to be photographed, please, for all of us who look to you as a standard, please, please pay attention to the small details.

Harry, you let me down. It's not quite worth a withering look of disapprovaltm, but it's close.

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