Wednesday, February 27

blog share: the guest post

Before I begin my post, I have to thank Mr. Granted Null for the opportunity to write anonymously on his blog. Thanks!

Now for the post. I have been struggling for a while with what I want to write about. I have finally decided that I am just going to make a list of secrets and rants to share with all of you.

1. My boyfriend or husband (let's call him Boyband, as in boy(friend/hus)band - ooh, I'm so anonymous) annoys me in oh so many ways. It appears to be physically impossible for him to hang up his coat. He undresses in the living room and leaves his clothes there. He spends money on all kinds of crazy shit we don't need.

2. Boyband's family is very nice to me, but they are weird. On top of the weirdness, Boyband's parents were extremely mean to him when he was growing up, and I can't forgive them for the way they treated him, even though they are nicer to him now. I won't go into the ways they were mean to him because Boyband wouldn't want me to, but whatever you are imagining, it was worse. Yet Boyband has forgiven them and expects me to forgive them too. I can't.

3. Here is an example of Boyband's parents' current weirdness. They didn't go to Boyband's brother's wedding rehearsal. Nor did they show up early for the wedding, even though pictures were being taken beforehand.

4. I don't trust my dad. He has lied to me so many times that there is no way for him to regain my trust. I still love him though.

5. My mom criticizes everything and everyone. I am afraid that I will turn into her.

6. I feel like I can never do anything right at work.

7. I took a pregnancy test on Sunday morning, and it was positive. I am pregnant. Boyband and I are thrilled.


Anonymous said...

It's hard when our boyband's family has done things WE have more trouble forgiving than boyband does.

Congratulations! Do I know you? Oh, you're anonymous...Now I'll be obsessively waiting for one of my blogger friends to announce a pregnancy...and maybe it's someone I don't even read regularly...

Glen said...

Thanks for writing! It was a pleasure to host your post. Congratulations to you and the boyband.

Jess said...

Congratulations on being pregnant! I'm glad you're both so thrilled.

Sauntering Soul said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy!

Megan said...

Babies are great.

M.Amanda said...


#6 - So I'm not the only one? We should start a "Why haven't they fired me yet?" club.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for a new baby! Congrats!

Elise said...

Woo, congrats on the baby news! How exciting! Now your boyband can buy all kinds of crazy shit your baby doesn't need, but you'll love it anyway :) best of all worlds!

shelleycoughlin said...

Yay, congrats on your pregnancy! Also, BoyBand made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And I feel exactly the same way re: #6.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby! I hope this next generation gets a breather from the family crazy!

Stefanie said...

Oh my gosh... I had a guess who wrote this until I got to the last item! Now I can't decide if it's who I thought it was or not! Either way, congrats!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Man, we should totally talk about 1,2,3, and 6. Wanna have a contest about whose Boyband's family is weirdest/worst? :) And congratulations on #7!!!

Allie said...


My boyband takes his clothes off in the living room too. Sometimes I think it's funny, but sometimes, I really don't.

Megan said...

I've been asked twice this morning, so I am going to take the unusual step of outing myself as NOT being the author of this guest post.

Although I identify with many things this person has written, I am not pregnant. And I did participate in the blog share, but my secret is on a different blog.

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