Tuesday, June 24

these eyes

I've always prided myself on my vision. I've always been the one who could see the small text far away. I never expected that I would have to get glasses. However, that's no longer the case. Law school has wrecked my vision.

Okay, it's true that I haven't had my eyes checked for eight years. Maybe its not all law school's fault. However until the words "I'm in law school" came out of my mouth, it looked like my need for glasses could have been put off for a few more years. I know that would have been postponing the inevitable, but it would have left me glasses free for a while.

My eyesight isn't that bad, however one eye is radically different from the other I have learned. It's the fact that I spend all day reading that is really driving the need. However, I should also notice an improvement when driving, less fatigue looking into the distance.

Now, I am on a quest for frames. I've blogged before of the challenges of my big head. Unfortunately it appears to be a problem for glasses as well. I trudged off to the local eyeglass shop. After trying on pair after pair that didn't fit, it came down to "show me the biggest ones you've got". A parade of ugly glasses came forth. One wasn't too bad, however I look like Drew Carey when I'm wearing them.

I want a fashionable pair, but is it possible? Kenneth Cole just doesn't make glasses big enough for me. Thankfully, the woman offered to bring in a few others on spec for me to try.

I tried the other glass shop without much more luck, but have found two frames that are in stock that may work. The question is, what look do I want to have for the next two years? I'm in school so still want something fashionable and fun, but will also be clerking with the court, so do I need something simple and professional? Gah! What would Russell Smith do? I don't have his book with me to see if he has a section on this?

These are the business/work friendly frames I found:

I can't find an image online of the other pair, but will keep looking. Maybe I'll take some snapshots of me wearing them and invite comments and suggestions!


Karen said...

As a fellow large-headed person who has worn glasses for 30 years, I've learned that frames come in all manner of sizes - but stores usually only stock the popular sizes. If you find something you like but that is too small, ask them to check and see if there is a larger version available. There often is, and they can have it sent. Obviously, you only want to do that with frames you are likely to purchase when they arrive, since the likelihood of another big noggined person coming along who wants those exact frames is pretty slim.

Glen said...

Thankfully the eyewear place was able to bring them up on a trial basis and can send them back now that I have chosen.

It has been an interesting experience in customer service. One store was happy to research and find out what was available in larger sizes and bring them in, while the other store was simply "this is what we have".

For those of you in Name-of-Town-Witheld, I'd be happy to tell you which store was which in person.