Sunday, April 15

the home stretch

As of yesterday, I am done 2/3 of my final exams for first year. With one course finished in december, and three more exams written this past week, the bulk of my first year marks are already settled. I have no clear idea how I've done, but will continue working away at my final two exams this week.

It's amazing to think that in one week today I'll be getting packed up and ready to leave to start the journey back up north. I'll be making some stops along the way to visit friends and family so it'll take around a week to make it to the 'knife, but it's coming. One year of law school done. Two to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't suppose you're detouring Ottawa way, huh? Sigh.

Congrats on being almost done! I'm sure you're doing great!