Friday, January 11

taking on the tyranny of tim's

Over the holidays I went home to suburban Ontario to visit family and friends. This is where I grew up. In my hometown, I believe we have the most donut stores per capita, and you can barely turn around without seeing a Tim Horton's. I remember back when I was working there in municipal government, I had to pick up Tim Horton's for a meeting. It practically turned into an emergency situation, and a rethink of municipal planning, when I actually had to drive out of my way to find a Tim Horton's.

Honestly, I don't like Tim's. They have good donuts, but I find their coffee metallic and completely unappealing. Their hot chocolate isn't much better. I know this is a personal taste thing, but I really can't stand it. I'm a Starbucks boy. What drives me crazy is the notion that I am completely uncanadian as a result. Tim's has a lock on all things Canadiana.

Well I am pleased to report, that over the holidays, I successfully and publicly challenged the tyranny of tim's over all things Canadian. I was off to see my nephew's hockey game, dad and sister in tow. My father wanted to stop for coffee on the way, and I refused to go to Tim's. I found a Starbucks and we went there. I was not going to be the cliched Canadian standing in the hockey arena with my tim's double-double thinking wistfully of immigrant fathers who secretly watched their sons play hockey. Nope, not this boy.

I noticed a photographer was routinely taking pictures of our little group. After 10 years in PR I have a pretty good nose for reporters and photographers. I shot him that, if you're taking photos of us, you better come talk to us about consent look. He came over, and got the details. The photo just appeared in the paper. It's the quintessential Canadian story, the grandfather at the arena watching his grandson, thinking that boy is going to play in the big leaves. BUT WAIT! What's that in his hand, it's Starbucks! Yes, the tyranny of tim's lock on hockey has been busted in the mainstream media. Starbucks, you owe me. I'll take payment in free coffee!