Thursday, January 3

two thousand and great?

It's a new year, but long-term readers of the blog will know that I'm not a big new years fan. Particularly with being back in school, I'm far more likely to consider September the new year.

However, with all the media coverage of the new year, resolutions, the year in review, and the year looking ahead, it's practically impossible not to be thinking about a new year, and what you hope to do differently.

As I don't handle failure well, I tend to stay away from resolutions. In spite of this I have been thinking about what I would like to do more of this upcoming year. After a particularly grueling school term, I feel the need to do more creative things. It can't all be about school and work.

This blog is one thing I hope to do more of. In 2007, there were 191 posts to the blog, an average of one every other day, however it was definitely concentrated in the first part of the year. There were long stretches of no blogging and I noticed the absence of a creative outlet, even if it's just a blog post.

Hopefully this year I will do more photography, writing and make use of the sketch book kit and folio I got for Christmas. It's not only about doing more though, it is also about putting your creativity out there. That's the hardest bit. Last weekend I was in Ottawa visiting a north of 60 friend who moved south the same time I left for law school. This was something we talked about a bit over the weekend, in particular in relation to a musical cabaret we saw called "Life on the Wicked Stage".

The show included songs from a number of broadway and off-broadway shows. Some well-known, others a discovery. One woman in the show was a standout, not only for her great vocals, but also for the fact that she could have been Seriously Frivolous' twin. It was uncanny, right down to the smile and laugh. The only thing missing was the high kick of happiness(tm)!

Anyways, one of the songs was from a show called [title of show] (that's the actual title). It's a musical about writing a musical. The songs goes directly to what I've been writing about. It's called "Die Vampires Die" and is about those people and demons that prevent you from creating and putting yourself out there. It's smart and funny but some of the language may not be appropriate if you're playing it aloud at work:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh. That is still a great song. Developments at work this week suggest strongly that January will be hell on wheels again, but maybe after that I can ponder that creativity thing again.