Tuesday, January 8

in my elder years

I recently blogged about my "old man hat", but I'm beginning to worry that maybe it's more than just the hat that's old.

It appears I may be older than my years. This realization has been coming to me slowly and it's not because of the prospect of getting older as a birthday begins to approach. It's more a process of paying attention to commercials.

It has been a couple of years since I left that coveted 18-34 marketing age group. However, it appears in leaving that group, I have switched to the 55+ group and missed the intervening 21 years. How can I tell? Commercials and advertisements.

Marketers generally are smart. They have researched their audience, know who they are, and identify the best ways to reach them. Over the last several months I have begun to notice that in the various shows that I watch or magazines I read, all the commercials or advertisements are for products targeted at those 55 and over. Hmm, do I have the taste of a sixty-year old man? Or worse yet, a seventy-year old woman?

At first I thought little of it, but as I began to notice more and more ads and commercials, I've begun to worry. What happened to my young, hip, cutting-edge self? You would think that being surrounded by twenty-somethings it would rub-off on me, but is it just rubbing me the wrong way? Is my new found taste for all things old, a reaction to being surrounded by youth?

Who knows? But in the meantime if you need to know about the benefits of viagra, centrum or freedom living devices, I'm your man!


Megan said...

What does it say about me that most of the ads I see are for herpes medication?

Glen said...

I could tell you, but I don't think I'm allowed to put it in writing...

Karen said...

I don't even know what a "freedom living device" is, but it doesn't sound good. I guess we don't watch the same shows, which is ironic, considering how much older than you I actually am ! :)

On a totally separate note, the Christmas care package arrived and the CD is fantastic. Thanks so much Glen for sending it along!!

Anonymous said...

Young, hip, cutting-edges are generally derived from proximity to aubergine countertops.

Nuff said.

Glen said...

A freedom living device is more of a category of products that includes all of the various devices, gadgets and aids that help you stay in your own home longer.

Think those tubs you walk into and sit down in, extendable grabbers to take things down of the top shelf, adults depends, etc.

The kind of things you sign up to get information on with your friend's address so they start receiving information on ultra-matic beds in their mail.

Speaking of which, I now have your address...