Monday, January 1

september is the new new year's

I've never really liked New Year's Eve/New Year's Day. I've always found it a bit of an artificial holiday. Probably because so much of our lives revolve around school, I've always considered September the New Year. It's after the summer, people have been taking breaks and everyone starts to focus again. I have always found that's when the introspection occurs for me, whether I've been working or in school. It starts right around labour day. I wouldn't go so far as resolutions, but I do stop and look at where I'm at personally, professionally, what do I want to change, what do I want to do in the next year.

So for all those not on the September is the new New Year trend, here's hoping you can stick to your resolutions. I heard someone make the following resolution and I think it's probably the best and only one to make, "I resolve not to look back at 2006 with regret and to keep moving forward in 2007".

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