Saturday, January 20

hello arkansas!

I was checking out my site traffic today as the little sister and I have been spending a lot of time talking about the merits of various site tracking tools, and discovered that I had a visitor from Arkansas.

Yep, Arkansas. First off, if you come back to the site I'd like to say howdy, and go hillary!

What I found more intriguing was how someone from Arkansas would find a little ole blog like mine. Thankfully my site tracker told me how. It appears that if you do a search for "Anne Murray Canadian Singer blog", my blog comes up. Gulp!

Who knew that my confession of my love of all things Anne would travel across the continent. I may now have a reputation as a fan of easy listening music. So, if you've reached this site looking for Anne Murray, I'm afraid I just have one post confessing my adoration and that I must see her live before I die. For all things Anne, please click here.

For the record, I like other kinds of music, true it tends to be trashy britpop, or thumpy dance music, but at least it's not all easy listening.

One last question, why does Arkansas sound like Ar-kan-saw, when Kansas sounds like Kan-sas?


Megan said...

That solves the mystery!

Your visitor came to my site and went on to my brother Nate's site. I was very confused.

Sadly, my tastes run more to Annie Lennox than Anne Murray. I am afraid we were all a disappointment.

Megan said...

OK, that's weird. You are the first hit on IceRocket for that combination of search words.