Wednesday, January 10

the sky is white

Well most of Canada (well southern Canada) has been wondering for quite some time now, where winter had gone. It's been a warm and balmy winter so far. I can safely say that winter is back. The sky is white, we have 60km hour winds and the snow is falling sideways. Visibility is so bad you can barely see the car in front of you. I'm sitting hear listening to the wind howl. Environment Canada has declared this a blizzard.

It's funny, after five winters in the Northwest Territories you would think this would be nothing, but I don't quite recall a day like this up north. The blowing snow is unreal, and there is nothing to stop it, I'm sure the snow blowing outside my window is from Manitoba and it's going to keep going until it hits the rockies.

The brain trust that runs the law school had a banner day today. Our only class today was a guest speaker, a Judge from Regina. It was obvious he would not be coming, and a notice was posted on the web site saying that the guest speaker was cancelled, and "All Legal Research and Writing students (both sections) are expected to attend a lecture held in the Moot Court at 1:30pm".

Considering the blizzard-like (actually, it's officially a blizzard) conditions, you would think they would have just cancelled the class, but no, the class must go on. So, we all risk life-and-limb getting to class, to be told at 1:25pm that they were closing the school because of the blizzard and we were to make our way home if we felt it was safe, otherwise to hunker down at the school. WTF? You make us come all this way to tell us to turn around and go back!

Anyways, I'm back home safe and sound, and will hunker down at home listening to the wind blow.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm trying to be sympathetic...trying...trying...nope, can't do it.