Monday, January 21

throwing rocks at houses

As winter has firmly settled in here on the prairie, it's time for curling to start again. The little law school on the prairie curling team was actually reformed last term but with the strike at the university the season ended abruptly before I had a chance to even blog about it once.

Three of us from "Lord Denning Rocks" last year are back, with a few new players in tow. We actually have six players this year. Obviously our success last year created a surge in popularity and the number of people wanting to be on our team.

Anyways, we hit the ice yesterday after months of inactivity and slid to our first defeat at 3-6. For a few missed shots it could have been closer. We're still in the "C" league and for some reason, some people think "C" stands for competitive. These curlers with their own equipment and pre-game stretches should all be bumped up to the "B" or "A" league which are supposed to be the competitive ones. The ones with the matching jackets got a withering look of disapproval(tm).

Anyways, we had a lot of fun, and it's nice to hang out without talking about school.

1 comment:

TCN said...

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