Monday, February 5

to dye or not to dye, that is the question...

I don't know if it's because of a recent hair cut, but a lot of people have been commenting on a noticeable increase of gray hair on my head. It may also be because I'm surrounded by a bunch of 22 year-olds who still haven't seen their first gray hair.

I started going gray about 10 to 12 years ago. All of a sudden a few appeared and then the process just seemed to stop. I think it was when I was in University last time that they started to appear. My hair is lighter anyways so it tends not to be noticeable in small doses.

However, the last year or so has seen a noticeable increase in the gray hair. It's no longer a few stray strands at my temples, it slowly moved around the sides and back of my head. More recently, they have migrated to the top.

A critical mass of gray hair that will force me to answer the question, "to dye or not to dye?" is rapidly approaching.

I've always liked the look of grey hair, and at times thought it would be great for my hair just to go all gray. I even looked into dying it gray, but it's not really possible. However, now faced with a growing number, my resolve to stay gray is weakening.

True, there are several benefits to gray that way in its favour. Anderson Cooper (aged 39) has been gray for years and wears it well. As a lawyer, I think gray hair can make me look smarter and more distinguished, both good things considering how little I actually seem to know about the law.

However, surrounded by youth, it is tempting to wash that gray right out of my hair. I've always had a bit of a babyface, and thanks to my nana, have good skin and can usually pass for younger than I am. In fact, most people at school have been surprised when they learn my true age. More gray and that's going to be harder to pull off. Dyed though, and I can still probably pass for younger than I actually am.

It's a tough call, and I'm not at the point of making a final decision yet; I'll need to wait for some more gray before that point hits. However, right now I am leaning to stay gray.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOO! I always find men with dyed hair to be vain creatures, reminiscent of some 1980's car salesman mixed with a dash of Ted Danson. And you, my sweet friend, are no car salesman, or a Ted Danson.

You are suave, distinguished, debonnair, and lovely. Grey hair will atract the smarter types, and not the youthful twinks of the past.

Be grey! Be proud! Step away from the Grecian, my friend. Step away.

Anonymous said...

What would Russell say?

Megan said...

I won't guess what Russell would say, but for what my vote's worth, I like gray hair.

This would probably mean more coming from a hot young guy than a slightly squishy married woman, but you take what you can get.