Saturday, March 31

it's juno weekend

It's juno weekend here in 'toon town and I just have to say that I'm so sick of the junos and they haven't even happened yet. It has been one big giant hype machine for weeks and really I'm fed up. Yes it's exciting that they are coming to 'toon town. In fact, the junos are putting the exclamation mark into Saskatchewan!

There have been a few good things to come out of juno weekend. One is that last call is an hour later (1:30 pm) and the bars stay open til 4 am. I do have to say that this seemed like a good thing at the time but I'm paying for it today. Also, I met Jian Ghomeshi last night which was kind of fun, given my inebriated state. We chatted about Moxy Fruvous, a band he was in.

Despite my being sick of the junos, I figure it's only appropriate for a little CANCON on the blog here. First up, a video from Moxy Fruvous:

Nelly Furtado is hosting the Junos. A group of law school students at the the big law school on the prairies in the next province west made the following video as a spin-off of Furtado's Promiscuous. A wee bit of context, the whole competition for articling positions involves countless interviews with lots of firms, and an elaborate ranking system. The video starts slow, but it's worth hanging in for:

1 comment:

Megan said...

Is it OK to be sick of Jian, too?