Sunday, March 11

watching the world go forward

Here in Saskatchewan! we don't do daylight savings time, or maybe it is that we do it all year long. While everyone else was "springing forward" last night, we sat back and watched.

It's strange not being part of something, being on the outside looking in. This is the first time in my life that I haven't had to "spring forward and fall back". It's one of those things you grow up doing and to not do it as a little strange.

Not having to spring forward has some definite advantages. First, I don't have to run around changing all my clocks. There was always one I would forget, stove, microwave, tv, vcr, car, etc, and the result was confusion. Second, I don't lose an hour of sleep, which is a big bonus for me. This time of year, the media always trot out some study about increased car accidents in the days following the "spring forward" because of sleep deprivation. Third, with the spring forward, where I'll be living this summer is now on the same time as Saskatchewan! so there's no adjustment when I move back this summer.

There are some disadvantages though. Until yesterday I was an hour away from everybody. With family and friends in Alberta, Ontario and the NWT, it was very convenient to be one hour from all of them. An hour behind those east of me, an hour ahead of those west of me. Now, I need to remember I'm the same with those west, and two hours behind those east of me.

Another disadvantage is television. You get into a habit of certain shows being on at certain times. Now, they will all be moving around because most of our channels are from the east, or far west. It'll take a week or two to figure out where things are at. Plus it's kind of inconvenient that things on at 8 pm EST are on at 6 pm here. It doesn't given much time to get home and settle in. Oh for the days when I had time shifting.

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