Friday, March 16

up to my old tricks again

Some of you may remember this old post about how I wasn't as engaged in student politics here on the prairies as I was the first time at university in Waterloo. Well things have taken quite a turn of events in the short period of time since that post.

This week has seen a rapid rise in my engagement in student politics. For example, last night I spent three hours at the University Student Council meeting speaking out about budget cuts to service centres on campus. This was after sending an email to all council members on the issue. I even ended up speaking at the meeting. I'm also really proud of our brand new law rep to Council, it was his first meeting and he stood up and took people on. I now read the student newspaper regularly to follow the latest antics of our student union.

This week I also met with the Dean of the little law school on the prairie about the environment for LGBT students in the College. I have his support to start an association for LGBT students and supporters at the school. Also this week I contacted the co-chairs of the new law building committee to push for a single-stall gender neutral bathroom in the college and it looks like one will be set-up.

Finally, looks like I'll be going to faculty council next week to push for adoption of the positive space program in the college. All this increased activity, just in time for exams. It appears I'll do anything to procrastinate.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I still think Straight Alliance is a better term than Gay Ally. We breeders should be able to choose our own labels instead of having to accept whatever names you-all want to put on us. Man, we are SO OPPRESSED. Where's my private bathroom, huh?