Thursday, March 29

my computer's back and there's gonna be trouble

I got my computer back. It appears roughly half of the files from the last four weeks are gone. However, friends at school have provided me with the missing pieces and I'm piecing all my notes back together. As for the trouble, with my computer back I can now blog about the annoying people who always seem to be in front of me in line.

I understand that life often throws us curveballs or surprises (i.e. see the last few posts about my computer as an example). I fully recognize that you can't be ready for everything that comes your way. I'm willing to cut people some slack for the completely unexpected things that come their way. But when you are standing in the check-out at Safeway or in line to order at Starbucks, the fact that you are going to have to pay is not one of life's surprises.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who seem completely surprised by or unprepared for the fact that they are going to have to pay at the check-out or the cash register. Have you never participated in society before? Have you been raised by wolves and this is you first foray into society? This is standard procedure. There is no reason for you not to be prepared for this eventuality. Maybe you live in constant hope that today will be the magic day you don't have to pay, but for those of us who are realists and in a rush, for god's sake be ready to pay.

You've already been standing in line a while, you've had plenty of time to prepare yourself. Now, I'm not asking that you stand there with the exact change for your purchase ready to pay. But at least get your wallet, cash holder, credit or bank card out and ready. The person at the check-out states the cost of their purchase, and the person in front of me gets this surprised look on their face and start fumbling around trying to find a mode of payment. Take a lesson from the Boy Scouts and be prepared.

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