Tuesday, March 13

the thrill of victory…and the agony of defeat…

There was a lot of curling this past weekend and we were down a member of the team, but we experienced for the first time the thrill of victory, and far too often the agony of defeat.

On Friday, we took part in the LLSOTP bonspeil. Organized by the student association, it was held on campus and involved 8 teams, playing little three-ender games. We lost our first game (playing with three) against a team that used stopwatches and had tons of their own gear. They were out to win the whole thing. Our second game we started and picked up a fourth player. It was great, we all made shots and won four nothing. Our first victory. The third game, still with our extra player, we lost.

On Sunday, we won by forfeit as the other team did not show up. Playing with a substitute for a fourth player, we played a two-end game against another team who had no opponent as well. We won that game with some good shots. We then played a little two-on-two action just to get some extra practice in. It was actually a lot of fun. Our first end saw almost all the rocks in play. The second end, I made a great double takeout that was probably my best shot all year.

Our "regular season" play is done, and we have the playoffs starting next week. We figure we probably have one more game before we're knocked out and done for the season.

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