Tuesday, March 6

that's the look, that's the look

I was told today "You can put that 'look' away now mister". The little sister has done an impersonation of one of my looks on her web site. Countless others have commented on the various different looks I tend to give. I remember people saying things like "I know what you're thinking" and I'll say "what, I didn't say anything" and they'll respond, "you don't need to, you gave a look".

I'm not sure where these various looks come from. I guess rather than carry my heart on my sleeve, I show my thoughts on my face. I'm beginning to realize that maybe I need to start curbing some of these looks. I think they get me into trouble more often than not.

The question is how to do this? How do you make yourself less expressive? I'm having these thoughts, there's no doubt about that. But how do you keep them off your face? I don't know whether I can control my expressions.

I'll confess and admit that sometimes a look is given on purpose. But other times they are solely a reflection of what's going on with my hand. I guess a career as a high-stakes poker player is out of the question, which is good considering this earlier post.

Maybe the only solution is to have less of these thoughts, and then the looks wouldn't happen. I don't know how, but I'm going to have to start working on it and save the looks for those moments when they are truly necessary.


Anonymous said...

FEWER thoughts. You think less, but have fewer thoughts.

Anonymous said...

wait'll you start doing court. Then you really gotta watch the looks.